Filed Your Income tax Return? Check Status
- Posted by SSdigitalBE
- On August 24, 2019
How To Check Income Tax Status Online
The last date for filing your income tax returns (ITR) is August 31. An important step after filing the ITR is to check your income tax status to know if it has been accepted and processed.
A properly filed and processed income tax return will show ‘ITR processed’ as the status. A tax refund will only be processed by the Income Tax Department once your status will show ‘ITR processed’.
In case of discrepancies in your ITR, it will reflect the appropriate status. Checking your income tax return status online is a simple process.
Here is a lowdown on the complete process:

Types of Income Tax Filing Status
– Successfully e-verified: This will be the status of your ITR when you have successfully submitted and e-verified it.
– Processed: This status will be reflect once you have verified the ITR and the Income Tax Department has processed.
– Pending e-verification: This status will reflect when you have not e-verified your ITR or the acknowledgement has not been received by the I-T Department.
– Defective: You ITR will show a defective status if there has been any discrepancy while filing it as per the law. You may get a notice as per Section 139(9) of the I-T Act and you would be asked to rectify it within 15 days from the date of receiving the notice. In case of no response, your ITR will be treated as invalid.
– Case Transferred to AO: You will see this status when the Centralized Processing Centre (CPC) of the Income Tax Department transfers your ITR to the jurisdictional Assessing Officer to process it. In case you see this status, just wait for communication from the assessing officer (AO).
How To Check Your Income Tax Status Online
There are two ways to check the status of your ITR.
The Process
If You Have PAN & Acknowledgement Number
– Login to the income tax filing website and click on the ITR status tab
– You will be directed to a new page with heads seeking your PAN number, acknowledgement number and captcha code.
– Fill in your details and press submit to know the status of your ITR
If You Are Checking The Status Through I-T website
– Use your income tax login credentials to log into the Income Tax Department’s e-filing website
– Look for the option that says View Return/Forms on the dashboard. Click on the option.
– You will be redirected to a new page. Select the option which says income tax returns and the relevant assessment year from the drop-down menu
– Once you submit this option, the status will be displayed on the screen.
Your income tax returns filing process is complete if the status says ‘ITR processed’. In case of any other status, take relevant steps to avoid making your income tax returns filing invalid. You can also seek the help of a tax expert.
After you e-verify your returns, the processing takes a few days. In case the return status is not updated and you do not get any notice, you should connect with the I-T Department and inform them about the same.